Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Cool Style Selection for Twitter Counter

Another free service by, spoiling you with selection of styles to display Twitter Counter (to display total number of your followers). Of course, another possibility by using the service is the more often your website have hits, the higher chance your Twitter profile will be pushed on "Hall Of Fame" on website.
Thus is a good way to improve visibility and popularity for your website and possibility to increase new followers to your Twitter account.

For Google Gadget, you can add it here:

Add to Google

For other social network plugins, Joomla, Wordpress, even simple generated HTML code, you can visit directly.

Twitter Web Email Signature by TwitHut to increase popularity and visibility

You have blog, you have Twitter. You need a way to keep in touch with your followers even in the emails you have sent out ?

One way is to use Twitter Dynamic Web Email Signature by
It let you to display your latest twit post with cool image as background on your blog/website and even can be attached as part of email signature.

Since it is always generated dynamically based on latest posted twit, all old emails which you have sent out and kept by yours followers/members/friends with always have the latest dynamic generated signature pulled directly from your Twitter account.

The more users loaded your signature will mean you have higher chance to be listed as one of top TwitHut user (Hall Of Fame), hence increase populariy, visibility and possibility increase of followers to your Twitter account.

Isn't it cool ?

Give a try for Google Gadget here.

Add to Google

For other social network plugin , Wordpress, Joomla or simple HTML code to be embeded, you can visit directly.